Platform : Blogger / Blogspot
Name : Borneo Sporty
Author : Borneo Templates
Url :
Designer : Herdiansyah Hamzah
Url :
Published : Theme 4 All
Url :
Template Description : Borneo Sporty is blogger templates with magazine style design, 3 colums layout, elegant featured slideshow, simple menu horizontal, share button ready on postpage, adsense and SEO ready, hosted image on blogger, best view on Mozilla, Chrome, Opera, IE 6,IE 7,IE 8 and IE 9, SEO friendly blogger title hack installed to help you rank higher in Google, and more.
Template Rules :
First, do not change the credit link at the bottom of this template. delete or modify this template links, as well as premises did not appreciate my work. Second, this template for free, not for sale. for it is forbidden to sell this template to any company or business without my knowledge, and Third, after you see a live demo of this template, please leave your comment. this is important as an input for me to make a template that is much better in the future.
Warm Regards,
Borneo Templates
ReplyDeleteI've been try, and nothing wrong with download link Sir.....
ReplyDeleteNo please i opened download link it was blank page PLease email me
ReplyDeleteOke, but try to unable your antivirusquard first before download this template.
ReplyDeletethanks, it is good template
ReplyDelete:) i don't use antivirus pro hehe i havent been try Please send me this template XML or RAR thank you so much i think U R the Best template maker Lovit
ReplyDeleteYou're welcome buddy............
ReplyDeleteWhat is your email, i'll send you template files?
ReplyDeleteAnd Thank you so much :)
ReplyDeleteslide nya auto gak?
ReplyDeleteMasih manual...
ReplyDeleteOke, i'll send to your mail.
ReplyDeleteYou're welcome.
ReplyDeleteowwh makasih
ReplyDeletekok slidenya gak jalan?
ReplyDeletetolong di jelaskan..makasih
ReplyDeletetolong kirimkan ke
Periksa ulang kode yang Anda masukkan. Itu berarti masalah dipenempatan kode. Kalo live demonya jalan, berarti ngk ada masalah.
ReplyDeletetetap gak bisa,,walaupun sudah pek kodeyang di kasih
ReplyDeleteBelu ada keluhan yang lain. Ntar kalo ada yang punya masalah yang sama, sekalian dicek.
ReplyDeleteayolah,tolong dong! :(
ReplyDeleteAlamat url blog Anda apa? Biar saya cek...
ReplyDeleteSaya sudah coba bossku, ijin pakai nya ya
ReplyDeleteTrims, semoga bermanfaat.........
ReplyDeletewew, mas makasih banget sudah membuat template ini...templatenya sangat bagus dan gratis pula...kalo bisa yang berbayar jadi gratis mas :) (^_^)v
ReplyDeletesaya sudah pakai di blog saya, tapi kok slidenya ga jalan yah??please review di blog saya..
ReplyDeleteSama2, Insya Allah.......
ReplyDeleteCoba periksa ulang di kode HTML yang Anda masukkan.
ReplyDeleteThanks berat gan atas templatenya yg ternyata bagus :)
ReplyDeleteVery good this template, you are to be congratulated!
ReplyDeleteTemplate ini tidak bisa menampilkan gambar diposting yang posisi gambarnya center/tengah
ReplyDeleteSama2, semoga bermanfaat....
ReplyDeleteThank you, hope you enjoyed...
ReplyDeleteBisa, tinggal disetting di bagian html dan css code template ini.
ReplyDeletemas, tolong dong...bisa ga dibuat jadi 1 sidebar aja....mohon balas ke email ini
ReplyDeleteuntuk sementara saya pakai di
ReplyDeletecoba di cek aja,gak jalan
gimana bikin twitter update kayak agan punya? saya coba menggunakan yg ada pada blog2 tutorial lainnya.. tapi sepertinya effect pada slide dimana slide ngak bisa bergerak..
ReplyDeleteBisa ngikuti tutorial ini mas :
ReplyDeleteBisa mas, mungkin lebih detail seperti apa kebutuhannya disertai dengan contoh gambar.
ReplyDeletesudah bisa mas...saya hapus sudah sidebar kiri,..dan saya bukannya bermaksud untuk mengubah tampilan mas ya... :)
ReplyDeleteModofikasi ngk ada masalah, asal link credit tetap dipasang. Sukses selalu.....
ReplyDeleteWah.. keren mas... nyari template kayak gini, eh dikasih tau temen katanya disini ada bagus.. alhamdulillah,, makasih ya...izin sedot...
ReplyDeleteMonggo, dengan senang hati. Semoga bermanfaat ya.
ReplyDeletekang menu navigasi bisa di kasih sub-menu ga?kayak drop down gitu kan? mohon pencerahannya..terima kasih:)
ReplyDeleteBisa, ntar saya buatkan tutorialnya di blog sebelah ya.
ReplyDeletediblog sebelah mana kang? say sudah coba edit2 sendiri tapi selalu gagal..saya lihat di bagus sekali menu navigasi yang atas warna biru nya, sedang yang bawah mirip dengan navigasi yang sporty.
ReplyDeletesaya tunggu tutorialnya kang:) terima kasih banyak...
Di Blogger Maps, ntar main kesana aja ntar.
ReplyDeletePak saya izin pake ya pak, ini saya buat radio saya,
ReplyDeleteSilahkan mas, dengan senang hati. Thanks
ReplyDeleteIn my template I can't see this widget :
Please can anyone here give me the code for this widget?
Sorry for my bad English! and thanks for the help! (:
You can get the code on template files. But you have to download this template first. Thanks
ReplyDeleteI've downlaod this template but I can't see any code!
ReplyDeleteI've open all the html/javascript box on this template and is empty..
So..Can you leave me a comment with the code please? Thanks! ((:
After you download, unziip that files, and you'll see the slideshow content files. That is the code of slideshow. If you did not see, i'll send you mail.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for your help!! Your site is amazing,keep up the good work..
You're welcome and happy blogging.
ReplyDeletehello..thanks for sharing this awesome template, btw how to change 4 column footer to 3 column footer in this template ? i will appreciate it :)
ReplyDeletei have to say
ReplyDeletethis is one of the best templates i'n ever seen in my life, and i'v deen alot
really really great work guys
you're making some hot templates in here and this one is the best
you know, you're making thounds of bloggers looks like pro!
keep up the good work guys
greetings from egypt
You have to change your sidebar and mainpage first. After that, delete one sidebar column. I'll make a tutorial for this.
ReplyDeleteThank you, hope you enjoyed. Greetings from Indonesia....
ReplyDeletehallo gan..terima kasih sekali buat templatenya, bener2 template terbaik yang pernah ane lihat sebelumnya. Templatenya ane edit2 dan alhamdulillah jadi lebih bagus dan lebih keren sekarang, hehehe...kalau mau tolong di review gan di
ReplyDeleteterima kasih lagi dan alhamdulillah :)
i don't know if i can suggest a template for you to make or not but i'm gonna in any way :D
ReplyDeletei saw this blog and i'm crazy about it's template and i so wish if you can make it
here is the url
take a look and tell me what u think
have a great day :)
Themes nya mantep cuma sayang kayaknya cuma buat blogspot aja yah, kira2 buat wordpress ada nggak yah. Thanks
ReplyDeletetheme nya keren gan...
ReplyDeleteslider is not working & how to customize the menu & how can i create children menu in this templates???please kindly reply me soon.
ReplyDeleteHow can i change the thumbnail image size?? I tried several times, but couldn't. Please help..
ReplyDeleteI have a problem with the static pages ..
ReplyDeletethis one is good
ReplyDeleteBismillah, mohon izin saya mau pakaiTemplate ini, Borneo Templates semua Okay Banget. Saya banga nama Borneo dipakai. Semoga sukses selalu. Wassallam. (Satui-Sungai Danau Kalimantan Selatan)
ReplyDeletesaya suka
ReplyDeleteThanks, happy blogging.
ReplyDeleteThank you, hope you enjoyed.
ReplyDeleteTry to see this tutorial : Thanks
ReplyDeleteFind this code : .img thumb, and resize the picture.
ReplyDeletemas gmana caranya menambahkan menu dropdown pada template ini...mohon petunjuknya...
Terimkasih pak saya sedang pakai di blog baru saya
ReplyDeleteTerimkasih pak saya sedang pakai di blog baru saya
ReplyDeletethankyu for share
ReplyDeletemas, tanya dong, gimana naruh script iklan di samping kanan related post, kan ada space kosong tuh di sana...
kunjungi blog saya di
plz help me!!!
ReplyDeletehow i can remove thumbnail image code
and how i can Hide the left sidebar in pages too like posts? plz answer me
ReplyDeletehelp me bro the Slideshow has stopped he don't Move i dont know why !! plz help me
ReplyDeletemas gimana cara buat drop down menunya. terimakasih atas template keren ini dan bantuannya.
ReplyDeletemkasih mas template nya,,sudah tak pakai di blog saya..oiy,mas mau nanya..kalo mau masang adsense dibawah judul posting,tapi adsense nya jgn keliatan di homepage,keliatanya di dalam artikel aja,gmn y mas caranya ? tlng di jawab y..trm ksh..
ReplyDeletehello sir my templete does not working properly its problem is featured gallery not working properly what is this problem plz solve my problem
ReplyDeleteTry to host your own script.
ReplyDeleteThanks for this very nice template,its far better then most off the premium templates,i have only one problem with it,featured post/gallery doesn't moving at all,i tried everything(hosting my script,different positions on blog etc) any suggestions?Besides that everything works perfect.
ReplyDeleteBorneo Sporty template I really like it. So keep it up the great work. because this is your big effort. Thanks for nice sharing.
ReplyDeletethis template does not supports the pages
ReplyDeleteAbout template
ReplyDeleteSetelah menggunakan template zoom magazine 2 pada blog sekarang saya juga mau pakai template borneo sporty buat blog saya yang baru.. pilihan utama memang pas kalau di borneo.. bagus bagus templatenya.. sukses selalu buat agan Herdiansyah dan Borneo template..
ReplyDeleteHow to change the colors yellow and red
ReplyDeletethank you for this template
ReplyDeletei have one problem
the thumbnails do't appear on the main page . how to fix this
it is the best theme ever... :)
ReplyDeleteI install this theme for my blog and then redesign it a bit...
thanks borneo!!! :D
where is the sl;ide code and the instractions
bang, bgaimana mengganti agar backgroundnya tdk transparan,, soalnya saya mau ganti backgroundnya dg gambar..
ReplyDeletemohon dibalas ya.. trmakasih sbelumnya.. ^.^
Thank you Nice Templates.
ReplyDeleteziddu download not working. can u send these template to axepals@gmail. thanks for your sporty series bro.
ReplyDeleteminat nih mas simple but nice, dunlut yaa.. terima kasih
ReplyDeletekacang mete, jual kacang mete
mantef nih
ReplyDeletesipp niih