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  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Selamat malam..
    saya arif dari semarang, saya suka dengan design template yang ada di
    tapi saya ada kesulitan ketika install di wordpress..
    adakah caranya ??
    karena ketika saya install selalu gagal.. di katakan bahwa file style.css tidak ada..
    seperti di bawah ini :

    Installing Theme from uploaded file: Mobile Network (
    Unpacking the package…
    Installing the theme…
    The package could not be installed. The theme is missing the style.css stylesheet.
    Theme install failed.

    penyelesaiannya bagaimana ya ??
    selamat malam.

  3. Your cyclinggadget blog is intellectual property theft. It is taken directly from a blog my husband started years ago, Either attribute it to Greg Spencer or delete it.


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